Basic principles of organic agriculture: principles of fairness and care


Introduction. Adherence to the principles (health, ecology, fairness and care) is a top priority in organic agriculture aims not only at growing and producing quality food products, feed and raw materials for food and textile industries, but also at ensuring the balance between the system of agricultural production and natural processes, preserve exhaustible resources and leave one of the most important means of production.

Aim and tasks. The aim of this research is scientific and methodological substantiation of the need for the principles of fairness and care to be taken into account in the activity of the national organic agricultural producers at all stages of implementation and application of organic management practices.

Results. Specifies that economic, ecological and social expediency of organic is laid down in basic organic principles: health, ecology, fairness and care. Retrospective of the formation and improvement of the basic principles of organic agriculture by the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements is presented. The essence and main characteristics of four organic principles are considered and emphasis is placed on the principles of fairness and care. It is determined that the principle of fairness is characterized by objectivity in decision-making, respect for nature and society. It is noted that the principle of care, in its turn, implies that the management of organic farming should have preventive and responsible character to protect the health and well-being of both present and future generations and the environment. The structural-logical scheme of the essence and significance of the principles of fairness and care that are no less important than others for the sustainable development of the agrarian sphere is presented. It is emphasized that all principles have extremely close interconnection and interdependence; they complement each other and form a solid basis for the innovative balanced development of agriculture and the economy.

Conclusions. Summing up, it is noted that the basic principles are necessary in order to help to consciously manage the development of organic agriculture and to focus, coordinate organic movements in different countries. The principles of organic agriculture relate to how farming and food production are to be conducted. They should serve directly as guiding principles for practice and development, as well as the basis for developing more detailed principles, decision criteria, standards and rules.


principles of organic agriculture, balanced development, fairness and care, organic products.


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How to Cite
Milovanov, E. Basic Principles of Organic Agriculture: Principles of Fairness and Care. Economics Ecology Socium 2019, 3, 23-29.