Analytical support for the effective operation of a network retailer


Introduction. Modern retail integrates the development of goods and services, their production, sale, exchange and consumption into a global network and is a basis for an accelerated development of services and trade. Network retailers offer consumers not only a wide range of goods and services, but also the opportunity to buy everything in one place, where a large retail space offers up to hundreds of thousands of items. It is network retail that has a purposeful impact not only on the economy of an individual country, but also on global economic processes.

The aim of the article is to study the theoretical aspects and develop practical recommendations for improving the analytical efficiency of network retail.

Results. The article examines approaches to the disclosure of the economic category of "retail". The state and peculiarities of the development of domestic network retail, problems and difficulties of their functioning are analyzed. It is determined that the development of network retail requires professional and quality retail branding, which is a complex category and includes the process of brand development for the retail network and includes components: marketing research; internal audit; creation of a unique logo of a retail trade network; development of the spatial environment of the retail trade network. The method of the analysis of activity of the network retailer in particular the complex comparative analysis of the network retail in the dynamic competitive environment is offered and the balanced system of indicators of the analysis of activity of the network retail is offered.

Conclusions. The development of online retail creates new opportunities for business through the introduction of modern information systems, digitalization of production processes and business, the creation of e-shops and interactive storefronts. The activity of network retail, like any other enterprise, requires a qualitative and comprehensive analysis in order to strengthen its position in the market, a stable position in a competitive environment. Therefore, business owners, executives, senior managers and potential investors and business partners should pay significant attention to the analytical support of the effective operation of the network retailer in order to manage business, finance and further increase profitability.


retail, network retail, analysis of network retail, complex comparative analysis, competitive environment of network retail.


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How to Cite
Fedorenko, O. Analytical Support for the Effective Operation of a Network Retailer. Economics Ecology Socium 2020, 4, 49-57.