General requirements for submission formatting
The language of the article: English.
The article should not have more than four authors (co-authors) including their affiliations (only the title of the organization, as far as legal entity concerns, do not mention the department, laboratory, or any other structural subdivision).
The article should include not only UDC and JEL Classіfіcatіon (that is laid out at the beginning of the article and precede the text) – but also ORCID (
The article should be prepared in word processing program Microsoft Office Word 2003.
Section headings should be set in bold.
Under the table or under the picture the references for the source of information should be added.
- The author’s name, surname (it is obligatory to give the author’s name and surname in English according to passport data or any other IDs);
- The author’s information (scientific degree, academic rank, position, place of work or study, city);
- The title of the article;
- The abstract;
- The author’s abstract in English;
- Key words (should not duplicate words from the title of the article);
- JEL Classіfіcatіon;
- E-mail;
- Identifier ORCID;
- References (APA Style).
Requirements for the structure of the article (elements with text highlighting):
- general problem statement and its connection with main scientific and practical tasks (Introduction);
- analysis of recent researches and publications, which contain background for solution of the given problem and which the author relies on (Analysis of recent researches and publications);
- highlighting of previously unsettled problem constituent that is a part of the main problem, which the article is dedicated to (Previously unsettled problem constituent);
- formulation of the purpose of the article (Main purpose of the article);
- presentation of the main research material with full argumentation of received scientific results (Results and discussions);
- conclusions of the given research and perspectives for further researches in the given direction (Conclusions and further researches directions);
- references that should include not less than 8 sources (References);
- the author’s abstract of the article in English (Abstract).
Requirements for the article formatting:
- the length of the article is from 10 to 15 pages (that is from 20000 to 24000 characters including spaces, but excluding an abstract and references);
- page guidelines: all margins – 2 cm.;
- page format – A4 (21×29,7);
- text justified-alignment;
- do not insert page numbers;
- the article font guidelines: font size – 12-point, font type - Times New Roman, line spacing – 1, paragraph break – 1 cm.
Requirements for formatting of the article structural elements:
- index UDC (without paragraph indent, semi-bold, left-alignment): font size – 12-point, font type – Times New Roman, line spacing - 1;
- JEL Classіfіcatіon (without paragraph indent, semi-bold, left-alignment): font size – 12-point, font type – Times New Roman, line spacing - 1;
- the author’s name and surname (one line space, without paragraph indent, semi-bold, centered-alignment): font size – 11-point, font type – Times New Roman, line spacing - 1;
- scientific degree, academic rank (without paragraph indent, in italics, left-alignment): font size – 11-point, font type – Times New Roman, line spacing - 1;
- job of author (without paragraph indent, in italics, left-alignment): font size – 11-point, font type – Times New Roman, line spacing - 1;
- e-mail (without paragraph indent, in italics, left-alignment): font size – 11-point, font type – Times New Roman, line spacing - 1;
- identifier ORCID (without paragraph indent, in italics, left-alignment): font size – 11-point, font type – Times New Roman, line spacing - 1;
- the title of the article (one line space, capital letters, without paragraph indent, semi-bold, centered-alignment): font size – 12-point, font type – Times New Roman, line spacing - 1;
- the abstract and key words (one line space, in italics, justified-alignment): font size – 11-point, font type – Times New Roman, line spacing - 1, paragraph indent – 1 cm;
- the text of the article (one line space, justified-alignment): font size – 12-point, font type – Times New Roman, line spacing - 1, paragraph indent – 1 cm;
- references (two lines space, without paragraph indent, semi-bold, centered-alignment): font size – 12-point, font type – Times New Roman, line spacing - 1, paragraph indent – 1 cm.
Requirements for Abstract:
- the length of the abstract (in original language of the article) – from 200 to 250 words (not less than 2000-2500 characters);
- the font guidelines: font size – 11-point, font type – Times New Roman;
- line spacing - 1, paragraph indent – 1 cm.
The abstract (up to one page of the text in each language) represents the structure of the manuscript by the required elements and should include:
- Introduction.
- Aim and tasks.
- Research results.
- Conclusion.
Requirements for References:
- references are formatting according to international bibliographical standard APA 6 edition. The titles of Ukrainian and Russian periodicals (journals, collections and others) are given by transliteration, and they are given in parenthesis in English;
- transliteration of Ukrainian text into Latin alphabet should be made with the help of the website: and the transliteration standard should be indicated in the given website «the US State Department (BSI)»;
- references should include not less than 8 sources with obligatory citations in the text of the article, which are given in brackets sequentially to an order they have been mentioned in the text and appear in an order of citation or reference;
- references for the personal author’s works or articles (self-citation) should not exceed more than 10% from the general number of sources.
Requirements for Tables, Figures and Formulas:
- tables should have a serial number and a title in the middle (Table 1. Title): font size - 12, interline spacing - 1, font type - Times New Roman;
- font size - 10, font type - Time New Roman; interline spacing - 1;
- figures/ drawings must have a serial number and a name in the middle (Figure 1. Title): font size - 12, interline interval - 1, font type - Times New Roman;
- drawings are made in graphic editors, compatible with Word in the format JPG with a resolution of not less than 300 dpi;
- color and tone drawings are not allowed;
- drawings and tables on album pages are not accepted;
- mathematical formulas are provided using the built-in Microsoft Equation formula editor - the style of Times New Roman, normal;
- formulas are arranged in the center of the line, the number of the formula (in round brackets, on the right-hand side of the page, separated by blank lines): font size - 12, interline spacing - 1, font type - Times New Roman.
Final provisions
At the end of data on affiliation of authors of the manuscript author must specify his/her ORCID ID number (for each of the authors ORCID personal number needed) to allow the readers of this article refer to authors' publications in other journals. The creation of ORCID (if you do not have it yet) will take a few minutes (the official website -
REFERENCES are formatted in accordance with the specimen and requirements set on the website of the Journal only for literature with Cyrillic alphabet.
Transliteration can be done using such site as, it is necessary to indicate on this site the standard transliteration Passport (CMU 2010).
You can manually structure each transliterated source (as an example on specimen and requirements) or automatically using the site APA citation machine.
Surname, name, patronymic name of the author in Ukrainian |
Surname, name, patronymic name of the author in English (according to the passport) |
Scientific degree, academic rank |
Place of work, position |
Contact phone |
Identifier ORCID |