E-commerce as a form of economic relationships of entrepreneurship subjects in the network economy


Introduction. In the context of the formation of the information society and the use of ICT, the functioning of the economy is largely provided by the global Internet network, and business transactions become electronic. There is the formation of the so-called "network economy", and as a result of network economic relations, leads to the emergence of new forms of sales of goods – e-commerce, which begins to displace traditional trade. There is a formation of a new form of trade and economic relations of economic entities - e-commerce.

Aim and tasks. The article deals with the role and functions of e-commerce as a new form of economic relations of economic entities in the conditions of formation and development of a network economy.

Research results. As a result of the study, it has been determined that, changing the entire system of economic relations between business entities, e-commerce plays a stimulating role: it increases the innovation of national economies, since such commerce is carried out at the expense of the comprehensive application of ICT;  expands the scope of traditional international trade, and attracts more and more consumers;  contributes to the development of a new form of economic relations – the economy of general consumption, which has a significant positive external effect for society.

In Ukraine, the e-commerce market is still in the formation stage, showing high growth rates.  At the same time, an imperfect legal framework for such a form of economic ties is an obstacle to its further development. Experience in developed countries shows that the economic and social impact of e-commerce development can only be achieved if the competitive and institutional environment is favorable.

Conclusions. Influence of information and communication technologies on global changes in the forms of economic relations is reflected in the processes of informatization and digitalization of all spheres of national economies, including trade and economic relations.  There is a new form of trade and economic relations of business entities - the market of e-commerce.  This kind of commerce becomes possible under the conditions of functioning of the so-called "network economy", within which the commercial activity is carried out with the use of the global information network - the Internet.


Information and communication technologies, e-commerce market, e-commerce, Internet, network economy, shrinking economy, trade and economic activity.


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How to Cite
Neboha Тetiana. E-Commerce As a Form of Economic Relationships of Entrepreneurship Subjects in the Network Economy. Economics Ecology Socium 2018, 2, 43-51.
Market mechanisms of entrepreneurship development