Regulation of the domestic consumer market in the national economy


Introduction. Socially significant goods and services is the complex that includes a certain list of food products, certain types of products present in the domestic consumer market, which are sold at fixed prices. The regulation of the market for socially oriented goods and services requires regulation of consumer behavior and an optimal behavioral approach, which can help to improve the well-being of the population.

Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological principles and conceptual provisions for the regulation of the domestic consumer market in terms of socially significant goods and services in Ukraine.

Results. A conceptual approach to socially oriented goods and services has been developed for the better functioning of the domestic consumer market. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the approach is built taking into account the principles: accountability and responsibility, predictability, consistency and consistency: efficiency, adaptability, social justice. The mechanism of state regulation of the market of socially significant goods and services has been improved. The concept of state regulation of the market of socially oriented goods and services is presented. The process of implementing the concept should include full interaction of all elements of state regulation of the market of socially significant goods and services. The purpose of the concept is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological aspects of state regulation of the market of socially significant goods and services in Ukraine.

Conclusion. A conceptual approach to the regulation of the market of socially oriented goods and services is presented, which consists in the application of all components, namely the legislative aspect, the economic aspect of market regulation of socially significant goods and services taking into account factors influencing the regulation of domestic consumer market and legislative aspects of price regulation for socially oriented goods and services. The concept presents three components of socially oriented goods and services. State regulation is applied to each of the components (price regulation, regulation of the industry – in some industries, which are producers and suppliers of socially oriented goods and services, natural monopolies operate). Compliance principles of market regulation of socially oriented goods and services would ensure the appropriate and rational consumption of the goods by the population.


consumer market, regulation, national economy, concept, mechanism.


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How to Cite
Trokhymets, O.; Galtsova, O.; Livinskyi, A. Regulation of the Domestic Consumer Market in the National Economy. Economics Ecology Socium 2020, 4, 68-77.