Does work discipline affected by the working environment and work motivation?


Introduction. Human resources are the main factor, because with their main importance, namely as the activator and determinant of the agency, which is in charge of regulating the agency nets from start to finish. Even though the position of human resources in an agency is central, human resources themselves have many limitations and shortcomings that the agencies must pay attention to, so that human resources themselves are maximized in carrying out their duties assigned by the agencies themselves. Work discipline is one of the determining factors for the success of achieving the goals of an agency / company. Good employee discipline will accelerate company goals, while degenerating discipline will become a barrier and slow down the achievement of company goals.

Aims and Task. This study aims to analyze and describe the influence of the work environment and motivation on the Work Discipline of the State Civil Apparatus, Panyileukan District. The population is 60 State Civil Servants, Panyileukan District, Bandung City. The method used in this research is descriptive and verification methods with a quantitative approach, in which the analysis uses the SPSS version 20 program package.

Results. Based on the calculation results show that the variables of work environment and motivation to work discipline. Adjusted R square 0.336 shows that the influence of these two variables is 33.6% and the remaining 66.4% is influenced by other factors described by the researcher. Through the results of partial hypothesis testing, it is found that the work environment has a significant effect on Work Discipline Adjusted R by 0.333, indicating that the Work Environment has an influence of 33.3% and the remaining 76.7% is influenced by other factors, while motivation has a significant effect on discipline Adjusted R work of 0.014 shows that motivation has an influence of 1.4% while the remaining 98.6% is influenced by other factors.

Conclusion. This study provides an insight that the work environment and motivation have a significant effect on work discipline, which means that work discipline will follow the work environment, and motivation is the same as a work environment that is constant.


work discipline, working environment, work motivation, work ethic.


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How to Cite
Rizky Taohid, M. G.; Aji Sujai, R. A. D.; Nugraha, N. M. Does Work Discipline Affected by the Working Environment and Work Motivation?. Economics Ecology Socium 2021, 5, 13-23.