Innovative manufacturing planning based on integrated methodology of rational alternative selection


Introduction. Innovation is one of the major factors of economic growth in modern economy on the macrolevel, and a prominent contributor to an enterprise's profit increase at microlevel. Nevertheless, innovation activity is accompanied by a high level of risk and may cause significant losses. Thus, the problem of limiting the risk by developing rational methods of decision making is relevant.

Aim and tasks. The article aims at development of integrated methodology for taking a decision as to selection of rational innovative production alternative based on the usage of a group of decision making methods in dependency on conditions under which the decision is being taken.

Results. The article analyses decision making process in the context of system approach and defines stages of decision making. Criteria of effective decision are described and classified. Methods of decision making are observed and classified according to the conditions of decision making. The necessary components of integrated methodology of  selection of rational innovative production alternative are defined. The formation principles and general structure of the integrated methodology of selection of rational innovative production alternative are described.

Conclusions. The task of decision effectiveness assessment is complicated by simultaneous existence of number of performance goals with different suitability for formal evaluation, negative correlation between speed and accuracy of decision making, and temporal distance between decision making process and goal achievement, which requires employment of discounting methods. The above-mentioned factors determine the necessity for an integrated criterion, which includes economic efficiency indicators but is not reduced to them. Thus, integrated methodology of selection of rational innovative production alternative consists of multicriteria decision making solution, assessment of sufficient range of alternatives, allowance for uncertainty as to input information about criteria, inclusion of different types of criteria measurement, provision of possibility to use alternative information at all stages of decision making process.


innovative production, management decision making, manufacture organization, mathematical methods in management.


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How to Cite
Kryvonohova, I.; Brovkina, Y. Innovative Manufacturing Planning Based on Integrated Methodology of Rational Alternative Selection. Economics Ecology Socium 2021, 5, 30-39.