Economic and ecological space “Kuyalnitskiy”: organizational and investment support for development


Introduction. Kuyalnyk estuary has a remarkable medical and health potential of national importance, its unique properties are of international value, which predetermines recognition of respective areas as protected areas. In addition, proximity of Kuyalnyk estuary to the city of Odesa causes expansion of not only cooperation vectors with representatives of business groups in Odesa region, as  well as creating demand in service market at this area. However, presently, economiс-ecological potential of Kuyalnyk estuary area is not used properly, which significantly affects social and infrastructural level of this area, and decreases investment attraction of this resort.

Aim and tasks. In this paper it is proposed to consider theoretical and methodological principles of developing ecologically oriented business activity at the stage of planning protected object: Natural National Park (NNP) “Kuyalnitskiy”; to analyze tools for cooperation with economic private sector representatives, which will ensure protected areas development as a multifunctional space.

Results. This paper substantiates ways to develop regional program of targeted economiс-ecological support for entrepreneurial activity development in the areas of Ukrainian nature reserve fund; it is suggested implementing public-private policy that allows developing future Natural National Park “Kuyalnitskiy” as innovative area – “space” aimed at streamlining processes of nature management, creating new formats of business activity, improving ecological-economic situation in the region, creating conditions for sustainable development.

Conclusions. Taking into account dual economic and regulatory status of Kuyalnyk estuary, it is necessary to plan such vectors of business activity that can simultaneously meet the needs of sanatoriums and have environmentally friendly format that will consider reasonable level of anthropogenic load at this area. The proximity to the city of Odesa will ensure development and market demand for various types of economic-ecological business activities, as well as appropriate level of “neighbourhood urban planning”.


objects of nature reserve fund, economic-ecological business activity, financial and investment development, planning methods.


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