"5 φ" sustainable development potential of telecommunication enterprise
Introduction. The sphere of communication and informatization today has a significant impact on the development of the country's economy, especially in the period of its sustainable development. Under the influence of the construction of an information society and globalization transformations, the concept and structure of the potential of telecommunication enterprises are changing. The components of it have the main role in achieving its sustainable development.
Aim and tasks. Therefore, the purpose of the work is to substantiate the components of a set of potentials of the sustainable development of telecommunication enterprise and its components, as well as to study the specificities of the impact of this set of potentials on sustainable development of telecommunication enterprise.
Research results. This paper presents the specificities of communication and informatization as a sphere, which activity is based on the use of the most advanced technologies and application of intellectual potential at the same time. The composition of "5 φ" potential of sustainable development of telecommunication enterprise is substantiated: economic, social, ecological, technical-technological and intellectual potentials, each of which contains characteristic components. The model of "5 φ" potential of sustainable development of telecommunication enterprise is presented through the prism of a set of its potentials as a result of the interaction of potential components under the influence of external and internal factors, which creates opportunities for the formation of innovation-investment regulatory tools.
Such an approach to the assessment of "5 φ" potential of sustainable development of telecommunication enterprise will contribute to the formation of a new path of its movement, the definition of its own development priorities in order to increase the efficiency of managerial decisions in modern conditions and will contribute to the achievement of sustainability.
Conclusion. The main task of "5 φ" potential of sustainable development is to search for directions that would enable to form an effective mechanism for ensuring the reproduction of sustainable development potential of the enterprise, since the unused potential possibilities are the reserves of ensuring the sustainability of the enterprise, and they determine the ability to adequately respond to the variability of the environment and shape priorities for future development. An approach to the assessment of "5 φ" potential is the ability to support the planned functioning mode, logic when making managerial decisions, taking into account internal structure, consistency with external and internal circumstances, and the possibility of obtaining a the planned result at the least costs.
sustainable development, telecommunication enterprise, economic potential, social potential, ecological potential, technical-technological potential, intellectual potentialReferences
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