An Interconnected Human Resources Model Development of Intercultural Competence in the Educational Activities of a Manager


Introduction. Knowledge of specific skills is critical in the labour market and higher education, influencing healthy organisations' performance. However, the linkage between job satisfaction and collaborative knowledge creation is yet to be explored, particularly in universities that aim to compete internationally. Thus, optimising social capital as a basis for collaborative knowledge is necessary to improve organisational performance.

Aims and tasks. The study aims to develop a model of interconnected human resources to enhance intercultural competence in management education activities and examine the relationship between job satisfaction, workplace competitiveness, and social assets as determinants of knowledge co-creation in Indonesian universities.

Results. The research results reveal that job satisfaction, workplace competitiveness, and social assets are essential determinants of building knowledge co-creation to complete work and routines that can increase shared knowledge, which benefits employees and the organisation. Job satisfaction has a coefficient of 0.274, a competitive work environment of 0.153 and social capital of 0.574, indicating that the three determinants significantly contribute to collaborative knowledge creation. The following finding was that social capital was the highest determinant of collaborative knowledge creation in higher education.

Conclusions. This study found a positive linkage between job satisfaction, workplace competitiveness, and social assets are essential determinants of building knowledge co-creation. Social capital that has qualified knowledge is the basis for building a competitive work environment, which ultimately becomes the basis for creating quality collaborative knowledge. Newly created knowledge can encourage sustainable innovation, build core competencies and create good performance at the micro, meso and macro levels. Collaborative knowledge creation and social capital are forms of readiness to face rapid environmental and market changes. This study integrates dynamic capabilities theory and a knowledge-based view as a basis for increasing the competitiveness of higher education, especially in developing countries.


competitive work environment, knowledge creation, competence, interconnected model, educational activities.


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How to Cite
Frumkina, A.; Suryantini, N. P. S.; Azizah, A. An Interconnected Human Resources Model Development of Intercultural Competence in the Educational Activities of a Manager. Economics Ecology Socium 2024, 8, 62-72.