EU Policies on Human Security, Environmental Sustainability, Strategic Foresight, and Digital Transition in EU Candidate Countries: Moldova and Ukraine
Introduction. The relationship between theoretical and conceptual frameworks has not been fully investigated in recent debates regarding European Union (EU) governance, human security, environmental sustainability, and strategic foresight. From this perspective, this paper addresses the evolving nature of European governance in the field and the dynamic framework of the collection, analysis, and monitoring of EU policies, which demonstrates that the central objective of the study is based on empirical analysis and interaction with annual policies.
Aim and tasks. This study aims to develop a matrix model for analysing the EU Strategic Foresight Reports (EU SFR Reports) released by the European Commission (EC) from 2020-2023. Since this research is based on reports published annually by the European Commission, the research plan develops an analysis matrix covering and monitoring annual reports. The study will also collect the most significant theoretical and scientific knowledge from specialised literature in the last five years.
Results. The analysis results revealed a focal dynamic of some topics in human security, environmental sustainability, and strategic foresight by quantifying, reporting, and evaluating diagrams, interpreting data, and monitoring concepts. An important part of the analysis focuses on how the two EU candidate countries for the European Union (Moldova and Ukraine) have employed legislative lines and directions regarding the relational nexus between human security, environmental sustainability, and strategic foresight.
Conclusions. In conclusion, it should be noted that empirical monitoring of the four European Commission reports for 2020–2023 (EU SFR) provides valuable findings regarding the impact of European policies, effectiveness, and institutional commitments, as well as the functional terms of security design, sustainability, and strategy. These results provide a standard for assessing future policies and demonstrate the importance of EU policies in influencing candidate countries' strategic vision and governance.
European Union, human security, environment, sustainability, SFR reports.References
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