Methodological approaches on the selection of options for innovational development of regional industrial complex


Introduction. In an unstable economic environment, the formation of a regional industrial complex under conditions of uncertainty and risk factors leads to the fact that the innovative processes of the creation of the final product significantly deviate in time and space from its planned development.

The sources of the formation of these factors and means of recording in the assessment of efficiency should be considered.

Aim and tasks. Consider approaches to choosing innovative development options for a regional industrial complex under conditions of uncertainty and risk.

Research results. Under the uncertainty one should understand the lack of data on the conditions in which economic activity will be thwarted, a low degree of predictability, increase of these conditions.

When assessing innovation and investment projects in the region, the most important are the following types of uncertainties and regional risks: uncertainty about the behavior of competitors; uncertainty about the political and socio-economic situation in the country and region; incompleteness / inaccuracy of information about the parameters of innovations; foreign economic risks; incompleteness of information on financial sustainability;  unpredictability of the tax policy; other types of financial risks; some types of risks: the risk of falsification of financial statements, the risk of theft of certain types of assets; emission risk, etc.

Territorial peculiarities in innovative development the role of a significant factor is assigned: they can both accelerate and slow down the formation of the types of their economic activity, and in the broader sense - and the nature of strategic development.

However, the implementation of the chain becomes even more important «new creation - new-introduction – innovation» and the generation of new technologies in this territory, which ensures the uniqueness of industrial production, which causes the formation of a spatially-innovative monopoly in the area of innovation activity.

Conclusion. During the development of innovative processes at enterprises - innovators of the regional industrial complex it is necessary to take into account the specifics of such a complex object as the economic system of the region, factors of uncertainty and risk under the influence of the internal and external environment, especially the stages of the product life cycle/enterprise/industry.


region, development, methodical provision, uncertainty, risk


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How to Cite
Topalova, I. Methodological Approaches on the Selection of Options for Innovational Development of Regional Industrial Complex. Economics Ecology Socium 2017, 1, 104-113.
Regional economics