Problems of regulation of transport and logistics processes of responsible waste management in Ukraine
Introduction. Control of waste management is a complex process that involves organizational-economic and economic-environmental components that are directly or indirectly related to the production and consumption of products, supply of raw materials, natural resources, related information and financial flows, etc. Transport and logistics occupy a special place among them, because of the specifics of waste as an object of management, as well as related issues of environmental pollution and the impact on the health of the population. Transport-logistics approaches are needed to allow the use of appropriate management levers and instruments aimed at solving a complex issue when production and associated material flows are considered in close connection with the movement of waste generated during production and consumption.
Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the conceptual approach to the management of transport-logistics processes in the field of responsible waste management on the basis of analysis of economic-ecological and organizational issues, and prospects of its development in Ukraine.
Results. As a result of the research, it has been determined that reversible logistics is a means of achieving positive ecological-economic efficiency, the feasibility of which, first and foremost, of the transport component is confirmed by the fact that in the long run, Ukraine can significantly reduce the level of environmental pollution caused by the formation and placement of waste, but the volume of emissions in the transport sector will increase. Accordingly, it is necessary to increase the role of goal-setting functions and coordination of actions in the field of waste management; the main goal at the same time is to increase the ecological-economic efficiency of processes associated with transportation, as well as sorting, storage and disposal of household and industrial waste. This principle is the basis for integrating transport-logistics operations into a waste management system, the main elements of which are management functions and associated environmental-economic instruments for influencing waste management processes. The subsystem of ecological management within the framework of the waste management system, in particular, its transport-logistic component, which forms the ecological policy at micro and macro levels, deserves special attention; and is an effective instrument for implementing the concept of motivated liability.
Conclusions. In the field of waste management, one of the top priorities is the task of increasing the role of transport logistics. Solving the problem of managing transport-logistics processes of responsible waste management is seen in two aspects: integration of the transport-logistics system into the waste management system at the territorial level; creating an economic space for mutually agreed solutions to issues of transportation and other logistics waste operations. This conceptual approach will create competitive conditions for the subjects of environmental-economic activities, which initiate the responsible management of waste in aspects of their transportation, sorting, utilization, etc. in accordance with ISO standards in the areas of waste and transport management and the environmental management system.
waste management, transport logistics, ecological management, responsibilityReferences
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